$2,997.00 USD

You are contracting The Email Lady, LLC to create email and sms workflows on your behalf. 


This is a limited engagement that will last approximately 60 days, or until the work is complete. After which, The Email Lady is not able to update, edit, or create new deliverables. 


Although the strategy is custom to your brand, you will receive approximately 15 emails and 5 SMS/MMS across 5 flows. 


What's included: 

- Strategy

- Copy

- Template Design

- Technical flow and opt in buildout


What's not included:

- Web design

- Segmentation

- Campaign email or sms messages


The client is responsible for all raw images including, but not limited to, product photos, lifestyle images, and logos. 


The client must provide access to Klaviyo and the store's shopping cart and allow access for The Email Lady team throughout the duration of the engagement. 


We guarantee our work. After your emails go live, we will continue to monitor your emails for 30 days to ensure function and performance. 

"Money Tree" Install

Together we will: 

✅ Create a custom strategy for your flow system to identify exactly what to send to who and when. 

✅ Identify the offers that make sense for your customer at each step of the customer’s lifecycle. 

✅ Create your opt in and Quick Conversion Welcome flow to convert more new visitors to customers. 

✅ Create your Abandoned Trio to convert both new and returning visitors while they’re considering your product. 

✅ Create your Second Sales Sequences to turn more of your one-time customers into repeat buyers. 

✅ Optimize every flow to make sure it makes you the most sales possible.